Four Key Safe Driving Tips
Driving is an everyday activity for most of us, making it easy for drivers to go on autopilot along with their cars 🚘
But given that two out of every three people will be involved in an accident with serious injuries, it’s important to remain vigilant, no matter how many times you’ve stepped into the driver’s seat.
Here are a few 🔑 ways to do just that:
🚗 Wear your seatbelt – Wearing a seatbelt is the most effective way to reduce fatality risk in a crash. In fact, the NHTSA says seatbelts cut crash-related serious injuries and deaths by half.
🚗 Practice defensive driving – Be aware of what other drivers around you are doing, expect the unexpected, and keep a two-second cushion between you and the car in front of you.
🚗 Don’t multi-task while driving – Multi-tasking while driving is dangerous and can cause you to swerve, hit other cars, or run into stationary objects on the side of the road.
🚗 Don’t drive impaired – Alcohol and drugs impair decision-making and alertness even if you feel fine–and so does being tired. Controlled studies show drowsy driving can cause a similar amount of crashes as drunken driving.
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